티스토리 뷰

요즘들어 사진 책만 주구장창 구입하게된다. 부띠의 감성사진 놀이 책 이후, 사진 공부에 애쓰고 있는데, 부띠저자의 말대로 좋은 사진들을 많이 보라는 말에 감성 사진들에 관한 책을 찾다보니 이 책 까지 구입하게 되었다.책 표지의 오돌도톨 표면이 섬세하지만, 책 안의 사진들이 너무 작아 못내 아쉬운 책이다.기분 전환겸 보면 무척 좋은 책이다.생활다큐 쪽 사진을 좋아하는데, 이 책은 생활감성에 포커스를 많이 둔 책이라 아주 조금은 지루한 면도 있긴하다. 하지만 사진 한장한장이 이쁘다.조금은 액션이 주워졌음 어떨까라는 생각이 든다.유럽으로 이민가고 싶게 만드는 이쁜 책
The morning hours before the hustle and bustle of the day commences is the perfect time to pause and enjoy a sense of renewal and vitality. On the morning of December 7 2006 Maria Alexandra Vettese and Stephanie Congdon Barnes each took a digital photo of everyday objects randomly arranged on their kitchen tables and unbeknownst to one another uploaded them to the website Flickr. Noticing a remarkable similarity between their images they agreed to document their mornings by posting one photo to a shared blog every weekday for a year. Their site 3191 (http: //3191.visualblogging.com)--named after the distance in miles between their homes in Portland Maine and Portland Oregon--quickly acquired a worldwide following of devotees fascinated by the magical coincidences and pictorial synchronicity of their photographic pairings.
A Year of Mornings collects 236 images--always taken before 10 am without discussion between the two women--from this uniquely 21st-century artistic collaboration. The intimacy of these photographs--discarded clothing a view of a snowy day from the window a tablecloth--combined with their striking similarities in color and composition defies the reality of their long-distance collaboration. While clearly kindred spirits the two women have met in person only once. Their friendship is maintained solely online sustained by a shared love for moments of serenity solitude and peacefulness. The annotated photographs in A Year of Mornings radiate an aura of sweetness and light--the promise of a new day.